Living Income for Cocoa Farmers, Myth or Fact?

Living Income for Cocoa Farmers, Myth or Fact?

In the chocolate industry, the concept of a living income has been widely discussed and touted by many of the world’s biggest companies. A living income means that farmers earn enough to cover their basic needs, such as food, water, shelter, education, healthcare, and a small buffer for emergencies. It is essential for human dignity and a sustainable livelihood. Yet despite bold public commitments, the reality on the ground for most cocoa farmers is starkly different.

You might have read that the cost of cocoa has risen exponentially this year and the price of chocolate has also soared, this is not benefitting farmers. The reasons are complex and include factors such as climate change means they are producing less. If you are interested in reading more please see this article

83% of Chocolate Companies Claim a Living Income is a Human Right, But Only 6% Ensure Farmers Receive One

The numbers paint a clear picture: while 83% of chocolate companies publicly declare that a living income is a human right, only 6% of them are actually ensuring their farmers earn enough to live on. This gap between rhetoric and reality perpetuates the cycle of poverty for millions of cocoa farmers, especially in West Africa, where over 60% of the world’s cocoa is produced.

It’s easy to make grand statements about living incomes and best practices, but without concrete action, these promises remain hollow. Most companies have yet to put in place the necessary mechanisms to ensure that farmers are paid a living income. Complex supply chains, insufficient oversight, and the relentless pursuit of profits over people have slowed progress. Meanwhile, cocoa farmers continue to struggle with poverty, earning as little as USD2 a day in some regions—a far cry from a living income.

This gap is not just a matter of business inefficiency; it’s a crisis of justice. The global chocolate industry is worth billions of dollars, yet the very people who grow the cocoa at the heart of this industry remain trapped in poverty. This disconnect raises the question: How long will the chocolate industry allow these injustices to persist?

Why a Living Income Matters

A living income isn’t a luxury; it’s a basic human right. No farmer should have to choose between sending their children to school or sending them to work just so they can have enough to eat. Yet, for millions of cocoa farmers, this is their everyday reality.

The lack of a living income for cocoa farmers has far-reaching impacts. When farmers don’t earn enough to cover basic needs, they often have no choice but to rely on child labour to help with the workload. This means children miss out on school, robbing them of the education that could help lift their families out of poverty. These children’s futures are sacrificed for short-term survival, perpetuating a cycle of poverty that affects entire communities.

On the other hand, when farmers are paid a living income, they can afford to invest in their families, send their children to school, and build more resilient futures. A living income enables farmers to improve their land and adopt more sustainable practices, contributing to better environmental outcomes. It creates a virtuous cycle of empowerment, opportunity, and progress.

This is why ensuring a living income for cocoa farmers is so critical. It’s not just about paying someone for their labour—it’s about restoring dignity, providing opportunity, and ensuring that future generations have the chance to thrive.

The Power of Awareness and Informed Choices

One of the most important steps in solving this issue is raising awareness. Many consumers are unaware of the realities faced by cocoa farmers, and even fewer know about the disconnect between the bold claims made by companies and the actual conditions on the ground. The more people know about this, the more pressure we can place on chocolate companies to follow through on their commitments.

This is where you come in. By sharing this information with your friends, family, and networks, you can help raise awareness and build momentum for change. The power of informed consumers is immense—when enough people demand better practices, companies are forced to listen.

Making informed choices is another key way to drive change. Tools like the Chocolate Scorecard help you identify which brands are truly committed to ensuring their farmers earn a living income and which ones are merely paying lip service. By supporting brands that prioritise meaningful actions, you’re helping build a more accountable chocolate industry.

This Halloween, make a conscious choice to support the brands that are doing the right thing. Share this post with others, use the Chocolate Scorecard to guide your decisions, and help create a world where every cocoa farmer earns enough to live with dignity and security.

Together, we can make this change happen.

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